Dental Fillings
Dental fillings are a way to restore your oral health after tooth decay or cavities have formed. Cavities are created when bacteria damages the hard structure (cementum and enamel) and then breaks it down. This condition is caused by the following bacteria: Streptococcus mutagens and Lactobacillus. It can lead to tooth loss, infection, and even death if it is not treated. Cariology studies dental caries which are a very common condition in the world.
Caries can occur in many ways, but the risk factors and development are very similar. It may look like a small, chalky area at first. However, this can eventually become a large cavity. Sometimes these caries can be seen. Radiographs are used to detect the affected areas and analyze the results.
Tooth decay is caused by a bacterium that produces acid, which can cause damage, using carbohydrates like sucrose, glucose and fructose. Due to the increased production of lactic acid, the pH balance is affected. It is well-known that teeth constantly lose and gain minerals. Tooth decay occurs when the pH drops below 5.5. There are treatments that can be used to restore the tooth’s health. However, it is not possible to restore significant tooth structure. Research on stem cell therapy may be an option. To prevent complications, oral health organizations only support the prevention and defense measures like proper nutrition and maintaining good oral hygiene.