Dentists Save Lives
Think about the people who come to mind when you think about saving lives: firemen, policemen, emergency room physicians. But did you know that dentists
Choosing the Right Dentist For Your Child
So you have a dentist you’ve been going to for most of your adult life. The dentist seems nice enough and you’ve had your occasional
Getting Over the Fear of Going to the Dentist
As if it were programmed into our genes, it seems as though many of us have this fear of going to the dentist. Maybe it
How Important is Oral Hygiene To Overall Health?
Not having good oral hygiene doesn’t just cause problems with your teeth and mouth, but can also lead to problems with your overall health including
7 Habits of Highly Effective Dental Care
Playing off the title of the famous Stephen Covey publication, this article will focus on maintaining optimal care for your Dental Hygeine by forming proven
Mysteries of the Mouth: The Hit New Oral Hygiene Musical
In order to understand how to better your oral hygiene you must know what other parts of your mouth exist beyond teeth and how to